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Revision as of 12:13, 9 July 2007 by Bijoy (talk | contribs) (Examples)
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A collaborator is a Bootstrapper who has not only generalized a need of the community – but feels they have created a resource to fulfill this need as a product or service offered outside the community. These products/services have been offered first as a Contributor to members of the Bootstrap Community. Both the Bootstrap Organization and the Collaborator benefit from this arrangement, and if successful can lead to the a larger market release of the product as a new venture. Each collaboration is uniquely structured through mutual agreeement between the Bootstrap Organization and the Collaborator.

NOTE: This is how the Bootstrap Organization generates revenue, since it does not charge its members to participate.


  • Has been a Contributor of the community for 3 months or more

Typical Participation

  • Release and Rollout of Alpha/Beta product/service within community as a Contribution
  • Integration of Product/Service in one or more Bootstrap Initiatives
  • Feedback activity with members of Bootstrap Community


  1. Collaborators are in no way precluded from selling their product or service, however they do so under their own brand/company
  2. Collaborators own their IP/product and Bootstrap owns the Boot-brand.
  3. Collaborators and the Bootstrap org are free to exit the relationship and remain whole

